metallogenic stage

  • 网络成矿阶段;矿化阶段
metallogenic stagemetallogenic stage
  1. The mineralization system was a semi-closed state in the main metallogenic stage .


  2. It follows a certain sequence and is consistent with the corresponding metallogenic stage that the metallogenic elements of the vein hydrothermal gold deposits separate out the precipitation .


  3. With precipitation of As and Au , silicification took place at the early metallogenic stage at relatively high temperature ( 200 ~ 300 ℃), forming silicified rocks .


  4. Therefore , the ore bearing fluids migrated up , injected and aggregated along these structural expanding belts during the main metallogenic stage , forming a series of structural altered type and vein type deposits .


  5. The gold-mineralization can be divided into three stages that are gold activation stage , gold initial enrichment stage and gold metallogenic stage which are respectively related to the ductile , ductile-brittle and brittle shear strains .


  6. So it is conferred that movement way in which epigenic groundwater enters into metallogenic solution at metallogenic stage is turbulence movement driven by topographic potential , magmatic residual heat and gradients of temperature and pressure of high temperature and high pressure fluid .
